Monday, August 25, 2008


I just thought I would share something I found cute. Noelle has officially learned her first sign. (as in ASL, we've been watching "Signing Time") She says and signs "more". It's so cute!!! She does it while I'm feeding her. (of course) I've been trying to get her to say "more" for a long time, but it finally stuck, along with the new sign. I've found learning some ASL has been a lot of fun for me. As an English major, I'm supposed to take a foreign language. So, I'm thinking I'm going to take ASL. Who knew it was a foreign language? (meant to be hypothetical) Also, yesterday, at my parents' house, Noelle started saying "sit, sit". She yells at the family dog, Caesar. At first, we weren't completely sure if she was swearing or what. It took us a while, but we figured it out. What a smart girl, already understanding to yell at the "dumb dog".


Nicole said... cute!! She's such a smartie pants!

Grandma Bailee said...

I'm glad you're back with it Holly. I missed your blog. Noelle is smart & cute. How awesome is that? I hope you're enjoying school.