Monday, June 16, 2008

First Blog.....

Apparently we're behind on the times and need to add a family blog. So this is a start. Let me catch you all up on us currently. James and I were married a little over two years ago. We had Noelle last July. So she's coming up on her first birthday here in a few weeks. It's sort of bittersweet for us. My baby will be a toddler. Even though I have a hard time remembering what it was like before she was here, it still seems like she just arrived. I am excited for her to be at the age where we can do more than feed and change her. She cracks me up. She has us laughing all day long. She really has turned out to be quite the easy baby. Even though she had a rough start. Well....I had a rough start. James is a natural though. Noelle is his princess and he can hardly put her down. He prefers to be the primary caretaker when he is home. Which is OK by me. She prefers him too, when he is home. I love my time alone with her though. As long as all of the cards are played right, we go to the park everyday. I push her in the swings, take her for a walk and then we follow it all up by setting out the blanket and just watching the other kids play while she snacks.

James is working at Albertson's as a Lift Driver. It's not the most ideal job, but it pays fairly well and allows me to stay at home. I am enrolled for Salt Lake Community College for this fall semester. Although, I haven't officially registered. I guess I better get on that so I don't have rewrite this blog. We finally bought a second car. In fact, we picked it up just today. It's all thanks to my brother-in-law Brett. We think we got a killer deal and it's nice to have more than one car finally. We think it's pretty luxurious, especially compared to my Grandma's old car, which is currently falling apart. It's a 2005 Buick LaCrosse and is the newest car James or I have ever owned. I'm sure we'll be showing it off to you all here quickly.

So I think that's it. I don't want to overload you all in one hit. I hope everyone is a little caught up. I'll keep posting.


Josh and Jay said...

I am soooo happy that you started a blog!! Hope you keep it updated!!!

Brett & Honnelore said...

We're glad you got a will be fun to have updates between visits at grandma's house. Congrats on the new car too.

Grandma Bailee said...

You have such a beautiful little Noelle. She is a lot of fun. Keep this updated so I can keep track of you.